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What happens when 2 Black Holes collide

NASA has observed such collision before but have never seen it end
A new observation suggested a completely  new theory (a hypothesis only) about Space-Time.

As reported by a journalist, a team of prominent members has been keenly observing the above scenario which most likely is a collision of 2 massive black holes.

This incident is no big surprise considering the number of galaxies(200 billion) and the black holes they contain. Researchers say that this collision is causing the cosmic dance between 2, which are estimated to be just less than the size of our Solar System.This was 1st revealed by in this week's journal: Nature.

If the theory comes true as speculated, these black holes could release energy equivalent to that of one-hundred million supernova explosions! This could tear apart the galaxy in which they are abiding.

Also, this kind of union may not take place in another one-hundred million years, when I say this I mean the cosmic unions, so the scientists are feeling pretty lucky. Let's wait and see before we state our hypthesises about the space-time continuum!!

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