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This USB Storage cannot be used [FIXED] Play Station 3 & Play Staion 4 Tutorial

When I inserted my USB Pendrive into my PS4, it gave me an error "This USB Storage Device cannot be used" also when I tried copying files it gave me an error "The USB Storage Device is not Connected". (CE-36485-6). This problem apparently was also occuring for a few PS 3 users.

I found a FIX for it which I wanted to share with everyone. Its just that PS4 only reads and writes USB Storages with FAT 32 format. But, FAT 32 is too slow so I converted it into EXFAT format which is the optimal format for PS4.

Like if the video helped you and check out my channel for PS4 Gameplays and Tutorials.

1 comment:

  1. nice article about usb storage cannot be used fix ,this is also helpful for gamers speaking of games, you can now play android games on PC here .
